Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Fastest Server Ever

(2:46:02 PM) sal: http://www.theworldsfastestserver.com/
(2:46:42 PM) sal: thats a sick server
(2:47:01 PM) ch00ch|: hahahaha
(2:47:33 PM) sal: how fast is ure server?
(2:47:38 PM) sal: 120mph at least
(3:00:37 PM) ch00ch|: (2:59:40 PM) Brooks [work]: Probably not the safest server. Not many servers can get into a rear-end collision or towed by police
(3:01:05 PM) sal: wtf
(3:01:11 PM) sal: is rob driving their server?
(3:01:14 PM) ch00ch|: hahahahaha

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Brooks St Theatre A Success

Despite being intoxicated we were able to finish the first Brooks St Theatre. The break out performance, in this re-enactment of the courtroom scenes from My Cousin Vinny was Jay, playing the judge (originally Fred Gwynne).

Ed redefined casting for a specific gender with his avante garde interpretation of Mona Lisa Vito. Paul muddled through his first role as the lead, Vinny, often changing accents and generally not knowing how to act.

Myself and chooch gave a solid effort with the rest of the cast, although chooch was hindered by his lack of reading glasses.

We look forward to next month when we tackle a full length play.

You don't want to miss it.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

P.S. Im drunk

Dear Readers,

whats up. ? ed is shutting the lights off.


first burn posted to the blog!

(12:42:05 PM) Paul: but want the flexability to use an ASP.net web app or php, ruby on rails, etc
(12:42:22 PM) salc: yea but why
(12:42:29 PM) salc: you dont program shit anyways
(12:42:57 PM) salc: you only ever talk about it
(12:43:12 PM) salc: so all you really need is a host that does HTML and just talks about installing ruby and php

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


We're going camping July 10th - July 12th @ http://www.freeportcamping.com

Make reservations and come on up for a weekend of swimming, fires, and booze.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Announcing Brooks St Theatre

The last Thursday of every month is now Brooks Street Theatre Night.

We will do a dramatic reading of a play at Brooks Street and drink classy drinks such as Mint Juleps. Please RSVP.

Start suggesting plays and casting NOW.

Update: This has been moved to Friday by popular demand

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Menino Umbrella

Start Posting NOW