Saturday, May 2, 2009

Dalai Lama Rocks Gillette

Im not gonna bother trying to relay what he said, since I couldn't possibly do it justice. If your interested you can read his works.

First thing we see pulling up is people tailgating in the parking lot. So you know its gonna be good. I figured there would be tons of monks and people like that but it was more like a rock concert or a sporting event.

Personally I got some nachos. People were up and about, texting on their phones. One lady fell asleep in front of us.

A lot of people left during Q&A to beat the traffic, which I felt was kind of rude. Other than that the speech was great, the Dalai Lama was very funny at times and they mananged to raise over 400k towards a Tibetan Heritage Center in Boston.

Obviously 1.5 hours was not enough to learn much about Buddhism or gain total enlightenment but at least I now know hes a Pat's fan.


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