Friday, May 1, 2009

Increasing Productivity

Often times I am never asked, "Sal how can I be as productive as you on the computer?" If I was asked Id tell them:

1. Get more stinking monitors - If you are using less than 3 monitors you should upgrade, there is no limit but it does usually take time to get used to more monitors.

2. Dont use the mouse - If you can find a keyboard shortcut then use it, this will save you an eternity in moving your hand from the keyboard to the mouse

3. If you must use a mouse get something decent - it makes a huge difference, invest the 50+ dollars and youll be glad you did (my personal recommendation is the Logitech MX series 1000,1100)

4. Get a Macro Program - I use Winkey (,5506-order,1-page,1-c,alldownloads/description.html)
Anything I do more than once I create a script and bind it to a key. Sure it takes time to write the scripts but youll end up saving time and trouble in the long run.

5. Turn off every notification - Outlook, AIM, anything, turn it off.

6. Get TimeLeft or some other desktop alarm system ( I set a counter to 45 minutes. When the alarm goes off I take a break and check email IM etc.

7. Don't start a chatroom with your friends. Pretty self explanatory. Not many people would do it but its a complete waste of 99% of your day.

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